Live Healthier with Reiki Energy.
So, YOU say that you want to live a more healthy, positive life? What if I told you can start to live healthier with Reiki Energy.
Honestly, I will say it is NOT that difficult! As a matter of fact, it is pretty simple if you follow a few simple habits in your daily life. It actually starts in the mind and emotions. It is not always the body and the diet that is needed to get fit and start your journey to healthy living.
Most of us are under the misconception that we need to seek help to get fit, hire professional trainers and health coaches to learn to eat better and exercise properly. And yes, these are all components of a healthy lifestyle and very beneficial and in my opinion necessary to learn the skills needed to succeed and stay on track with fitness goals. But if you are constantly depressed, feeling negative about certain areas in your life and low in energy there is something much deeper going on. This mindset will almost always set you back to the old habits that hold you back. You need to identify and release the “negative” thought patterns that you are trying to kick to the curb!
Every aspect of “wellness” can affect a person’s life. Working on all areas in your life is a great goal, because wellness relates directly to the quality of a person’s life.
Wellness is really quite multidimensional. It includes our physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, occupational, enviromental and social working parts. The key is to get these parts all running smoothly.
One of the best exercises we can start with in our health and wellness journey is “the practice of letting go.” Releasing the negative patterns that we hold on to. You really can start to live healthier with Reiki Energy sessions. The release of negative energy that I may be feeling is the first thing I do when I start a new wellness routine.
I am sure you have heard it time and time again, “Let go of the things that no longer serve you.”
There is much that this powerful little mantra can do for you! In life we hold on too many things and these thoughts and emotions take root within and can get stuck in our very being and our energy system.
*We hold on to people that hurt us or that we feel wronged us in life.
*We hold on to feelings of anger, sadness and regret.
*We hold on to things and memories.
*We hold on to the “idea” of things.
*We hold on to dreams.
*We hold on to certain ideals and how we were taught we were “supposed” to live.
And it is never good or healthy to hold on to the past. Negative experiences that can come with them hold you back. Holding on isn’t good for your mind, emotions and most importantly. It is not good for your heart and cardiovascular system. It makes you not breathe properly and in turn you are not getting good oxygen into your body. Think about the beginning of a yoga, meditation or Reiki session when you are coming into your breath, your coach always asks you to be still and think for a moment. To think about all the things that have been weighing on you throughout the day on an inhale. On an exhale, she tells us to let it out and let it go. Sometimes this means letting go of a person; sometimes it’s letting go of a feeling, an experience, a person or thing. This is your time and one of the best life skills that you can learn in this moment. I advise all of my client to take this with them and practice it daily!
Grab a pen and paper. NO, not your cellphone! They create a static energy in your space! Write down what you need to release on your paper.
These are a few examples that I often hear from clients. Maybe some will resonate with you too.
I feel like I need to follow a certain path just because that’s what’s expected of me. It makes me feel pressured.
The constant need to check my phone afraid to miss an email, missed call or social media notification.
Feeling that pull to share every experience or moment on social media.
Following people on social media who make me feel negative when I see their stuff. It makes me feel envious and like I am not living my life.
I often feel anxiety over the future and where my life is going.
I say yes to things I’m not interested in just to fit in or not cause issues in relationships.
I have feelings of regret anger and resentment that I cannot get past.
I tend to over schedule and take on more than I actually can handle.
I need to stop comparing myself to others and be more confident.
I am too hard on myself and beat myself up over silly things.
I feel insecure about my body and the way I look.
Bad habit of trying to strive for perfection.
YOU really can live healthier with Reiki Energy!
What are you letting go of? Try this exercise and I guarantee you will feel lighter! Say it out loud. Then send it out to the universe and replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Add Reiki sessions to this and you will feel the beautiful energetic and emotional shift of Reiki Healing energy!
~ Namaste