Energy Fitness Sessions

Introducing Energy Fitness “Fusion” Sessions at Fit Healthy and Fabulous LLC! What? I have no idea what you mean by this new “Energy Fitness Session” program that you offer. That is pretty much what people say when they are offered...

Healthy Bones and Exercise

Healthy Bones and Exercise go hand in hand. Your strength truly comes from within when it come to your bones! Your bones keep you standing tall and moving in proper alignment. Did you know that your bones also store essential...

My Favorite Power Foods

My Favorite Power Foods. Power foods are the ones that make you stronger, rev up your metabolism, burn fat and make you feel healthy and fit! While there is no real definition of a “Power” or “Super” food, these healthier choices...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, 2015 is here and now is the time to take charge of your life! A new year is the perfect time to renew your thoughts and start over in areas of your life that you may not...