I love the beautiful small vibe of Bergen County New Jersey. This area has some of the best restaurants, activities, school systems, physicians and so much more! Offering Personal Training In Bergen County NJ over the last fifteen years has been a blessing to offer Personal Training In Bergen County NJ.
Over my career here I have met some of the most amazing people from celebrities to sports professionals to some of the highest ranking women and men in corporate America! Each one has taught me something along the road to their fitness and overall health goals and many have become dear friends!
Fit, Healthy and Fabulous, LLC started out as personal training in Bergen County but has branched out over the years to offer a more balanced approach to fitness. I have taken multiple courses and have been certified in many new modalities in fitness and wellness so that I could offer my amazing clients more ways to feel healthy and fit.
We offer help with nutrition and healthy eating and when necessary refer to our Registered Dietician for more in depth counseling. Meditation and learning how to breathe is one of the most important things that you will ever learn in your lifetime. We will teach you how to relax and learn healthy breathing techniques with guided meditation and if you are more of a group type we have a fantastic meditation coach that offers weekly classes.
I have also added Reiki to Fit, Healthy and Fabulous, LLC. After going for a Reiki session myself and feeling the difference it made in how I felt. I was hooked! I am now a Certified Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner and Certified by The Angel Quest Healing Center as an Angel Therapy and Energy Healing Practitioner. If you are curious about these services feel free to contact me for more information and an in depth description.
All of these additions have brought many new clients who are looking for so much more than a fitness routine with exercise with set counts for an hour training session. The clients at Fit, Healthy and Fabulous, LLC are educated on the importance of being healthy and fit BODY, MIND and SPIRIT! And we have everything they need to help them achieve and live a healthy lifestyle.
What are you waiting for? Contact us today to start living your best life ever filled with positive, healthy choices.