Do you find yourself feeling foggy and irritated? Reiki Energy for mental balance and clarity is a great way to balance your mental health and wellness. In fact, it is recommended to add it to your fitness and health programs too!
Receive Reiki Energy for mental balance and clarity a try to restore a sense of balance in your life.
Adding Reiki energy sessions to your routine can help remove energetic blockages to improve your health and wellness. Lifestyle factors, such as daily stress as well as burnout, poor sleep habits, constant cell phone use and hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause can cause those feelings of disconnect. These everyday habits can all make you feel foggy, irritated and depressed with increased fatigue. Reiki practitioners can help the flow of energy around the body to promote relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.
Reiki energy works on a physical, emotional and spiritual level to restore balance. But the beauty is how it restores your internal balance which in turn can help your body and it’s natural healing abilities. It directly influences your central nervous system, it allows you to relax and recalibrate. Once you are balance and relaxed on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, the healing can begin.
Fun Facts about Reiki Energy:
When a person’s life force energy is low or blocked, their body is running on a lower vibration. In turn more likely to experience pain or become ill. If it is running on a higher vibration and flowing smoothly through the body, the person is more resilient to pain, illness and disease. Better known as living a “positive” or “negative” life. Reiki therapy helps balance the energy system of the body, better known as the Chakra system, by increasing the vibrational frequency. The thought is that when life force energy (aka: chi) within the body is balanced it leads to increased relaxation, improved health, an overall feeling of well-being and happiness.
Did you know that the energy you receive during a Reiki session can also be applied to the spaces that you live and work in as well? Stuck energy can create negative feelings from past experiences within a space, this energy can leave a heaviness behind which can affect the sense of balance and positivity within that space. Sometimes the energy is not necessarily negative but it may just not be aligned with the new occupants. And of course there are places that you may walk in and think to yourself “Something feels off here” and that is your instincts telling you that something does not align with your feeling and energy. THIS is a good thing actually and meant to protect you, not make you fearful. Just get out of the space and if it is a place that you have to spend time in then just clear the space! This can be done professionally or you can give it a try, just make sure that you learn how to do a space cleansing safely and correctly before trying it yourself.
Feel the positive effects and better health with Reiki Energy for Mental Balance sessions. Contact us to schedule your session today!