Yummy, Healthy, Watermelon!

Yummy, Healthy, Watermelon! It is that time of the year again! Watermelon Season! Sweet, juicy and packed with healthy benefits. Watermelon is one of my absolute favorites! The health benefits of watermelon are plenty, it packs a punch of vitamins...

Benefits of Meditation

First off thereĀ isĀ a reason why meditation has been around for literally thousands of years. It is an amazing practice, packed with so much healthy, positive energy! The word meditation comes from 16th century Latin meditat (contemplated) and meditari (measure) It...

Winter Proof Your Health

Winter proof your health for a healthy winterĀ season! Power up your immune system with a few simple healthy lifestyle tips. It is easier than you think. Don’t hide inside all winter season, take time to get outside and breathe in...

Benefits Of Menopause

Menopause! The Elephant in the Room? Why do I still meet and speak to women who are ashamed of or afraid to talk about Menopause? It is not the beginning of the end! Women have more than one-third of their...

Are You Drinking Enough Water Daily

Are You Drinking Enough Water Daily You have heard it time and time again; drinking water is a must for your health and well being. Most fluids are achieved through drinking fluids but you can also meet the daily fluid...